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Infinitrace - Rao Fu

主辦人/單位: 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-07-12    結束展演日期: 2019-09-22
週二 至 週日 10:00 至 17:00 (16:30停止入館)

活動地點: 關渡美術館
活動地址: 台北市北投區學園路1號












“Infinitrace—where does it start and where does it stop? I do not know and have no way of knowing. It’s like a beam of light passing through my body, straight up to the sky, taking all of my experiences, feelings, and desires of life into an infinite ethereal void. I am guided toward this light as it renders a feeling of transcendence that goes beyond time, space, culture, region, identity, borders....a pure sense of simple existence.”

— Rao Fu


For a long time, Rao Fu’s creations have drifted in between sense and sensibility. Relying on personal intuition and instinct, he continuously sponges off the nutrients from historical and classical art imagery in creating a mysterious and romantic polyphony of painting vocabulary that opens up diverse imaginative spaces and gives him his unique style. Infinitrace includes two of his latest epic works Infinitrace and Inevitable as the overarching theme, through which the suspense of sense and the agitation of sensibility hint at the ineffable sublime. They present things that cannot be presented by combining a slew of real-life characters, implicit religious symbols and everyday life scene imaginations to reveal his recent attention and transition in creation. These works also convey the artist’s dynamic process of seeking a belonging of his soul through creation.


Fu’s exploration of life and the pursuit of art linger in the Infinitrace exhibition, just as Infinitrace uses abstract references and metaphors to relay the meaning of life and spiritual value. Meanwhile, Inevitable comes in from the concept of reality and transforms the artist’s perception of life experiences. It exploits the displacement of parallels and overlaps of indoor and outdoor scenes to reconstruct our perception of time and space. Akin to a movie storyboard, the displaced illusion flows like a layout of time, where life and cultural textures are gracefully harmonized into the embrace of mother earth. On the left, a mage-like character breathes life and energy, on the one hand reflecting the skull that symbolizes death adjacent to the main character, on the other hand working his magic to move forward the circle of life.......


活動聯絡電話: 02-28961000#2444    活動聯絡人: 歐靜雲

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