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悲滅說 游孟書個展

主辦人/單位: 社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2020-02-21    結束展演日期: 2020-03-14
每週二至每周六 11:00~19:00

活動地點: FreeS 福利社
活動地址: 台北市新生北路三段82號B1




游孟書 1979年生於宜蘭,曾於澳洲、美國及中國工作生活,2014年返回台灣宜蘭成立工作室。 作品曾獲藝術銀行及景德鎮陶瓷美術館收藏。




Meng-shu You ,born in 1979 in Yilan, Taiwan, used to live and work in Australia, United States and China, had set up her studio in 2014 in Yilan, Taiwan. Her works have been public collected by Art Bank Taiwan and Jingdezhen Ceramics Museum.







2010  視覺藝術博士,雪梨大學,澳洲

2005  藝術碩士,密西根州立大學,美國

2001  學士,國立台北教育大學,台灣




2019 「玩具像」,靜慮藝術,台北,台灣

2017 「玩世悠悠」,羅東文化工廠,天空藝廊,宜蘭,台灣

2015 「美力拜拜」,中原大學藝術中心,桃園,台灣

2009 「熔掉」,沉浸治療藝術中心,墨爾本,澳洲

2008 「賣光」,亞澳藝術中心4A藝廊,雪梨,澳洲




2019 「玩具進擊」,二空間,台北,台灣

2019 「雕塑‧遊戲‧場」,台灣藝術大學實驗劇場,台北,台灣

2019 「兒時味」,新竹241藝術空間,新竹,台灣

2019 「宇宙連環圖」,桃園展覽中心,桃園,台灣

2018 「亞洲當代陶藝交流展」,弘益大學美術館,首爾,韓國

2015 「何以為度-2015FORMOSA雕塑雙年展」,駁二藝術空間,高雄,台灣

2015 「異境:跨越世代與地域的藝術對話」,大象藝術空間,台中,台灣

2014 「初心·頂真」,北師美術館,台北,台灣

2011 「雅加達雙年展」,雅加達美術館,雅加達,印尼

2009 「白熱」,澳洲陶藝三年展暨澳洲陶藝協會雙年展,緬歷藝術博物館,雪梨,澳洲

2009 「還鄉」,林大畫廊,798特區,北京,中國

2007 「第四屆韓國陶藝雙年展」,仁川世界陶藝中心,首爾,韓國

2004  「美國國家陶藝教育委員會(NCECA)地區學生入選展」,印第安那普勒斯大學, 印第安納州印第安納普勒斯,美國

2000  「國際陶藝雙年展」,國立歷史博物館,台北,台灣






2010 PhD in Visual Arts, University of Sydney, Australia

2005 MFA in Studio Arts, Michigan State University, USA

2001 BA in Art Education, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan



Selected Solo Exhibitions


2019 Play with Toys, Jing Lü Gallery,Taipei, Taiwan

2017 Toys R Diculous, Lodung Cultural Working House, Sky Gallery, Yilan, Taiwan

2015 Mei Li Bai Bai, CYCU Art Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan

2009 Melting Down, Immersion Therapy Art Space, Melbourne, Australia

2008 Selling Out, 4A Gallery (Asian-Australia Arts Centre), Sydney, Australia



Selected Group Exhibitions


2019 Assault, Space Two, Taipei, Taiwan

2019 Sculpture. Play. Ground, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2019 Cosmicomics, Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan

2019 Kid Flavors, Hsinchu 241 Art Gallery, Hsinchu, Taiwan

2018 Contemporary Ceramics in Asia, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea

2015 Formosa Sculpture Biennale, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2015 Yi Jing: The Art Dialogue between Different Generations and Regions, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan

2014 Originality Purity, Museum of National Taipei University of Education  (MoNTUE), Taipei, Taiwan

2011 Jakarta Biennale #14, Jakarta National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia

2009 White Heat, The Australian Ceramics Association's Biennial Exhibition in conjunction with The Australian Ceramics Triennale, Manly Art Gallery & Museum, Sydney, Australia

2009 Home Coming, Linda Gallery, 798, Beijing, China

2007 CEBIKO (The 4th World Ceramic Biennale 2007 Korea), Icheon World Ceramic Center, Seolbong Park, South Korea

2004 NCECA Regional Student Juried Exhibition, NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts), University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA

2000 International Biennial Exhibition of Ceramic Art, National History Museum, Taipei, Taiwan












Artist Statement


The exhibition titled The Song of Melancholy present Meng-shu You’s studio practices since 2017. She attempts to explore the anxiety and depression behind the sprit that deals with the theme of authority and deconstruction by using “toys” as the key point to engage with ceramics, sculpture and already made stuffs.


As everyone’s growing up memories, toys are always our close friends. Nowadays, toys also represent the phenomenon of capitalism or the ideology of cultural icons. By using the contemporary visual strategies such as decolor, decay and reform, Meng-shu tried to deconstruct the general perspectives of “lego bricks” that would underline the issues of melancholy in artistic way.




福利社「悲滅說—游孟書個展」 --- 陳韋鑑

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