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越洋信使 林羿綺個展

主辦人/單位: 鳳甲美術館
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2020-07-25    結束展演日期: 2020-09-13

活動地點: 鳳甲美術館
活動地址: 台北市北投區大業路166號11樓


策展人Curator|葉佳蓉 Zoe Yeh




Hong-gah museum is pleased to present Selamat, the messenger over the sea, the brand new project-based solo exhibition of artist Lin, Yi-Chi. Lin’s family moved from Kinmen to Taiwan decades ago. In the early years, many Kinmenese would travel to Southeast Asia to search for job opportunities. Such decision left them no choice but to move away from home and put down roots in another country for good. Acting as a messenger, Lin visited the illegible addresses on the family letters, and was led to the Bangka Island of Indonesia and Singapore. Along with her family’s trans-island migration in Southeast Asia, the bloodline becomes a connector that transcends beyond geography, with countless family letters serving as carrier containing the Kinmenese diaspora’s memories. This project is a portrayal of the forgotten history in migration, and seeks to incorporate magical realism film’s features into the history-oriented context.

Selamat, the messenger over the sea is supported by Cultural Ministry, National Culture and Art Foundation, Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs, Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture and Toisland Project. The exhibition is hosted by Chew’s Culture Foundation and organized by Hong-gah Museum. With official projector supply of Optoma.



Herstoy的當事人和見證者位置-林羿綺 越洋信使 --- 吳介祥

2020年度「台新藝術獎」觀察報告 --- 吳介祥

鳳甲美術館「越洋信使-林羿綺個展」 --- 高森信男

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