首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第十四屆 / 評審委員


陳郁秀 TCHEN Yu-Chiou
財團法人白鷺鷥文教基金會董事長 台灣法國文化協會理事長、臺灣師範大學及政治大學兼任教授。 Chairwoman of Egret Culture and Education Foundation President of Alliance Francaise de Taiwan Professor at both NTNU and National Chengchi University
紀慧玲 CHI, Hui-Ling
劇評人,國家文化藝術基金會「表演藝術評論台」台長暨駐站評論人。 Representative of the Annual Nomination Committee Theater critic, and Director and Resident Critic of Performing Arts Review, National Culture and Arts Foundation
圖檔 JPEG image lcm.jpg
林志明 LIN Chi-Ming
台北教育大學藝術與造型設計系教授兼系主任 Representative of the Annual Nomination Committee Chair and professor at the Department of Arts and Design of National Taipei University of Education