丸岡廣美 Hiromi Maruoka
Director of TPAM - Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama
President of PARC (Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication)
丸岡廣美出生於日本橫濱,畢業於首都大學東京(Tokyo Metropolitan University),主修社會學。除身為環太平洋藝術通訊協會日本分會會長,丸岡亦是TPAM橫濱國際表演藝術會議總監(前身為「東京表演藝術市集」,Tokyo Performing Arts Market),該組織做為藝術專業工作者的國際平台,自2015成立起便聚焦於亞洲當代表演藝術。此外,丸岡亦於2003年籌辦「後主流表演藝術節」(Postmainstream Performing Arts Festival,PPAF);2008年至2013期間,她邀請IETM亞洲衛星會議(Asia Satellite Meeting of International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts)至日本;2012創辦東京現場音樂節(Sound Live Tokyo),並於2012至2013期間擔任音樂節總監。丸岡同時也是2013年成立的日本表演藝術經營開放網絡(Open Network for Performing Arts Management,ON-PAM)副會長暨共同創辦人之一。
Hiromi Maruoka (Director of TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama), President of PARC (Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication). Hiromi Maruoka was born in Yokohama and studied sociology at Tokyo Metropolitan University. She is the president of the Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC) and director of the Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM, former Tokyo Performing Arts Market), an international platform for arts professionals which has strongly been focusing on Asian contemporary performing arts since 2015. She also launched Postmainstream Performing Arts Festival (PPAF) as a co-director in 2003; invited the Asia Satellite Meetings of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) to Japan in 2008 and 2011; started Sound Live Tokyo in 2012 and directed the programming in 2012 and 2013; and is one of the founders and the vice president of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM) that was founded in 2013.