第十二屆提名觀察人 The 12th (2013) Taishin Arts Award Nominators
由七位長期關注當代藝術發展的學者專家擔綱,負責2013全年度台新藝術獎之「觀察、提名」,定期於ArTalks 個人版頁發表藝術觀點與觀察,深入蒐集、發掘、研究足以呈現當代創新力量的藝術表現,及時回應網路社群的展演推薦與論點,於網路世界形成、策劃刺激藝術思辨的多元議題,並於每季提出獨立的提名觀察報告,終期合議選出10-15名入圍作品。
The seven Taishin Arts Award nominators observe and nominate both performing and visual arts projects throughout the year of 2013. The nominators share their individual perspectives on ARTalks regularly in search for contemporary work that is original and innovative. Through the online platform that provides the networking functions of social media as well as in-depth commentary and discussion on the arts, the nominators will interact with the public, submit the quarterly observation report and eventually select 10-15 finalists for the 12th (2013) Taishin Arts Award.
The seven Taishin Arts Award nominators observe and nominate both performing and visual arts projects throughout the year of 2013. The nominators share their individual perspectives on ARTalks regularly in search for contemporary work that is original and innovative. Through the online platform that provides the networking functions of social media as well as in-depth commentary and discussion on the arts, the nominators will interact with the public, submit the quarterly observation report and eventually select 10-15 finalists for the 12th (2013) Taishin Arts Award.