首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第十六屆 / 評審委員 / 劉守曜 LIU Shou-Yuo

劉守曜 LIU Shou-Yuo

Theater Director, Performer and Dancer


近年與台灣豫劇團、一心戲劇團合作導演新編戲曲《飛馬行》、《巾幗 華麗緣》和歌仔戲《Mackie 踹共沒?》。參與日本亞洲導演競賽發表《我的洋娃娃》、並受邀赴韓執導哈洛品特劇本《今之昔》。與舞蹈空間舞團合作導演結合科技、舞蹈作品《世界末日這天,你會愛誰?》和《窗》。並發表頗獲好評的獨舞系列《薩蠻 – 發展中作品》及《Shapde5.5 - 劉守曜獨舞》。另曾擔任兩廳院台日跨國旗艦製作鈴木忠志《茶花女》副導演。


Since 1987, Shou-Yuo LIU has been working in theatre and experienced in directing, and acting till now. He is known for the cross-boundary collaboration works (including Drama, Dance, Chinese Opera and Digital Technology) and physical solo dance performance, had been participated in the production of art festivals in Hong Kong, Berlin, and New York.

His works have been selected to the “Top 10 Performance Award of The Year” by the United Daily News and China Times in Taiwan and recognized as containing “Best Three Modern Mime in 1993” Philadelphia International festival of Mime and Movement.” He had also been the director of Dance Forum Taipei Dance Company, senior editor of Performing Art Magazine, editor in chief of Performing Art Magazine on Line. Had organized the “Asia Arts Live” of Taipei Art Festival 2006, “The 11th Crown Arts Festival and “The Little Asian Creators’ Meeting”.

In Recent years, he had collaborated with Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company and Yi-Sin Taiwanese Opera Company to create Wings of Horses, Women are Renamed and Where is Mackie? these productions. Joined in the program of Asian Directors’ Festival TOGA 2014 in Japan, presented the work of My Baby Dolls. At the same time, he was invited to direct Old Times (script by Harold Pinter) in Seoul Korea. Dance Forum Taipei Dance Company had presented his Love till the End of the World (a collaboration of digital technology and dance). And his solo dance works, Shaman- Working in Progress, SHAPDE5.5 – Shou-Yuo Liu, Solo Dance have been well received.