首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第十八屆 / 決選委員 / 陳雅萍 CHEN Ya-Ping

陳雅萍 CHEN Ya-Ping

Dance Scholar, Dance Critic, Associate professor at the Graduate Institute of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts, President of the Taiwan Dance Research Society

舞蹈學者、舞評人,國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈研究所副教授,曾任該所所長(2015-2018)。現為台灣舞蹈研究學會理事長。美國紐約大學表演研究博士(Performance Studies, New York University)。研究領域包含:台灣現、當代舞蹈與身體史,現代性理論,身體文化研究,地方與記憶,舞蹈評論;近年亦將研究觸角擴及香港當代編舞家黎海寧的作品。著有中文專書《主體的叩問:現代性‧歷史‧台灣當代舞蹈》(2011)。舞蹈及表演研究相關著作曾刊登於多本中、英、日文學術期刊,以及以下專書:Corporeal Politics: Dancing East Asia (即將出版),Fifty Choreographers, 3rd edition (即將出版)、《六位香港當代編舞家作品研究(1980-2010): 香港當代舞蹈歷史、美學及身份探求》(2019),Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader, 2nd edition (2018),Identity and Diversity: Celebrating Dance in Taiwan (2012) 等。近年舞蹈評論文章見於《PAR表演藝術》、「表演藝術評論台」。


CHEN Ya-Ping, associate professor at the Graduate Institute of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan, is the author of the Chinese monograph “Enquiry into Subjectivity: Modernity, History, Taiwan Contemporary Dance (2011)”. Her research interests include modernity and dance history, theories of corporeality, place and memory in relation to dance studies, and dance criticism. Her most recent publications include a journal article “Shen-ti Wen-hua: Discourses on the Body in Avant-Garde Taiwanese Performance, 1980s–1990s” in Theatre Research International (Oct. 2018), as well as chapters in the following anthologies: “Corporeal Politics: Dancing East Asia” (forthcoming), “Fifty Choreographers”, 3rd edition (forthcoming), “Six Hong Kong Contemporary Dance Choreographers (1980-2010): Dance History, Aesthetics, and Identity Issues” (in Chinese, 2019), “Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader”, 2nd edition (2018), “Identity and Diversity: Celebrating Dance in Taiwan” (2012), among others. She currently serves as the president of the Taiwan Dance Research Society (TDRS). From 2015 to 2018, she was the chairperson of the Graduate Institute of Dance at TNUA. She holds a PhD in Performance Studies, New York University.