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白斐嵐 Siraya PAI

Theatre Critic, Freelance Writer, Musician

台灣大學外文系畢業,伊利諾大學香檳分校戲劇理論碩士,近年寫作重心聚焦於音樂在劇場之運用、劇場翻譯與文化轉譯、音樂與語言之結合等領域。翻譯作品包括《帕克特 X 藝術家――220件合作計畫》、《身心合一:後史坦尼斯拉夫斯基的跨文化演技》、《致演員:麥可‧契訶夫論表演技巧》、《劇場公共領域》與《編舞家手記》(名稱暫定,預計於2020出版)。文章不定期發表於《表演藝術雜誌》、表演藝術評論台與台新ARTalks 網站。 


Siraya PAI is a freelance writer, translator, theatre critic and musician in Taiwan. Her recent writing focuses on the relation between theatre and music, text and translation, language and music, to list just a few.  Siraya PAI received her B.A. in Literature from National Taiwan University and later received her M.A. in Theatre with the specialization in Musical Theater from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Her theatre-related publications include the Mandarin translation of “To The Actor -- On the Technique of Acting by Michael Chekhov, Psychophysical Acting: An Intercultural Approach After Stanislavski” by Phillip Zarrilli, “Theatrical Public Sphere” by Christopher B. Balme, and “A Choreographer’s Handbook” by Jonathan Burrows, while her other performing arts-related articles and critiques can be found in ARTCO, Performing Arts Review, and ARTalks.