首頁 / 台新藝術獎 / 第二十一屆 / 決選委員 / 木村繪理子 Eriko Kimura

木村繪理子 Eriko Kimura

Senior Curator of the Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan; Curatorial Head of the Yokohama Triennale

木村繪理子為攝影與當代藝術領域之策展人暨藝術史學家,現任日本橫濱美術館(Yokohama Museum of Art)資深策展人、橫濱三年展(Yokohama Triennale)策劃主任,並任教於日本東京女子美術大學(Joshibi University of Art and Design)。木村曾於2008年擔任關渡雙年展客座策展人,2011年釜山海洋藝術節(Busan Sea Art Festival)委任專員,也為藝術雜誌撰寫文章。 

木村近期策劃的展覽有:「疏離關係的11則故事:日本當代藝術展」(11 Stories on Distanced Relationships: Contemporary Art from Japan,國際交流基金策劃之線上展覽)、「氾濫:20世紀日本攝影展」(Hanran: 20th Century Japanese Photography,加拿大國家藝廊、國家攝影研究所,2019-2020)、「身體/展演/政治」(BODY/PLAY/POLITICS,橫濱美術館,2016)、「蔡國強:歸鄉日本」(Cai-Guo Qiang: There and Back Again,橫濱美術館,2015)、「奈良美智:有點像你,有點像我」(NARA Yoshitomo: a bit like you and me…,橫濱美術館,2012;森美術館、熊本當代美術館,2013) 



Eriko Kimura is a curator and art historian in photography and contemporary art. She is currently working as senior curator of Yokohama Museum of Art, and curatorial head of Yokohama Triennale, and teaches at Joshibi University of Art and Design. Having previously worked as guest curator of “Kuandu Biennale,” Taipei, 2008, she also participated as a commissioner at “Busan Sea Art Festival,” 2011. She also contributes to art magazines. 

Her recent curated exhibitions include; “11 Stories on Distanced Relationships: Contemporary Art from Japan,” Online exhibition organized by the Japan Foundation, 2021, “Hanran: 20th Century Japanese Photography,” National Gallery of Canada, National Institute of Photography, 2019-2020, “BODY/PLAY/POLITICS,” Yokohama Museum of Art, 2016, “Cai-Guo Qiang: There and Back Again,” YMA, 2015, “NARA Yoshitomo: a bit like you and me…,” YMA, 2012, toured to Aomori Museum of Art, 2013 and Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, 2013. 

Museum website: https://yokohama.art.museum/