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【Man on wire – yes, you can swing】

主辦人/單位: 弔詭畫廊
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2013-08-31    結束展演日期: 2013-10-05
2013/8/31(六)~ 10/5(六)

活動地點: 弔詭畫廊
活動地址: 高雄市 五福四路184號



從邊境出發|Man on wire – yes, you can swing

藝術家|Artists:吳梓寧 Laza WU Tzu-Ning、紀紐約 CHI Kai-Yuan
曾偉豪 TSENG Wei-Hao、 鄭秀如 CHENG Hsiu-Ju

展覽日期|Term:2013.08.31 – 10.05
開幕|Opening:2013.08.31 3:00 PM


從邊境出發 Man on wire – yes, you can swing

2013.08.31 – 10.05
吳梓寧 Laza WU Tzu-Ning、紀紐約 CHI Kai-Yuan、曾偉豪 TSENG Wei-Hao、鄭秀如 CHENG Hsiu-Ju

「邊境」是一個範圍的邊緣,一個過渡地帶、臨界點,也常是先鋒者、探險家到達的前沿地區,這個緊張區域有「可跨越」、「可改變」 的未知界限。觀者應作品自身的邀請語彙,讓身體被迫反射性參與、表態,甚至抵抗,這是被動狀態。但,由意識牽引身體行動的決定卻是自由的、流動的,這是主動意識。我們的身體將以何種姿態介入作品?在作品中,它又將如何被擺放?此刻,「身體」從作品出發,而「出發」包涵著:向何方出發?是回返?離開?還是逃出?我們欲走向何處?方向是一個選擇,如何行動/自處也是選擇。主題《從邊境出發》透過吳梓寧、曾偉豪、紀紐約與鄭秀如,四位藝術家各自創作演繹,讓作品、空間與觀者形成一個場域,召喚觀者由身體出發,與作品相遇,而後介入,從無限延伸的邊境出發。

‘Border’ is the edge of an area, a borderland, an extremity and the frontier where pioneers and explorers attain. This zone of tension comprises an unknown limit of ‘being crossed’ and ‘being changed’. It is a passive state when viewers receive the invitation from artworks and have to respond to involve, express or resist. On the other hand, it is active when audiences’ conscious leads the movement of their bodies, which is a free and flexible decision. What posture will we participate in artworks with? How will our bodies be situated in the context of artworks? Right at this moment, the viewer’s ‘body’ departs from the artworks, and is this ‘departure’ having a certain orientation, a return, a retreat or an escape? Where are we heading? The participant can choose the direction and also how to act or position. 《Man on wire – yes, you can swing》invites Laza WU Tzu-Ning, CHI Kai-Yuan, TSENG Wei-Hao and CHENG Hsiu-Ju to create a site where their artworks may develop the relationship with the space also with the audiences. Their bodies are going to be attracted by the artworks and to encounter, involve and then move out of the extensive border.


活動聯絡電話: 07-5219028    活動聯絡人: 陳國在

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