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2013 台北X伊斯坦堡 夢計劃 ─ 黃文琳作品展

主辦人/單位: 新樂園藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2013-12-13    結束展演日期: 2014-01-05

活動地點: 新樂園藝術空間
活動地址: 台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓


這世界是我們的夢 你相信什麼就會看到什麼


The world is our dream, you will see what you believe…

We spent one third of time for sleeping per day, the dream become the only language in this stage, this is what we know “Lucid dream”, from the waking status to the dream context, we get confused; this situation is more like we go to another country where we never been to. The people spoke their own language, however, for us, it sounds like the murmuring and chaotic, we just do not understand the meaning and the significance of the language. Although we are not familiar with the language and context of the dream as well, but it totally represent our subconscious in individually. For you to speak out, you need to face the deeply of your spiritual heart. And, those sometimes are the desires and the emotions, also could be the practice for the real life, or even the mysterious and answers.



伊斯坦堡x台北 夢計劃中,記錄了年初她來到伊斯坦堡這個城市後,及回到台北直到年底這段時間,每天睡醒時趁記憶仍鮮活時隨即記錄下/採收自己的夢境,並給予它一個關鍵字,她也採訪了她在這城市所遇到的其他在地人,關於他們的夢境和他們自由賦予夢境的關鍵字,因為在她的觀點來說夢境不是隱晦的反而是赤裸的,人們分享了其中的不安、恐懼、不可思議,試圖共同建立一個平台,以另一種可能的方式去轉換看世界、或自己的方法。

The context of the puzzle in dream

Artist, Wen-Lin Huang, interested in the theme of the mystery from individuals to groups or even from groups to individuals. In this project, Istanbul × Taipei dream, since she come to the city of Istanbul, she recorded the memory once she wake up every day, in the meantime, give them a keyword, also, she interviewed the people she encountered in this city, regarding about their dreams and asked to give the keyword for their own dream. From the artist point, she think that dream is not trying to imply, but is plain, we all shared the anxiety, fear, incredible, then trying to build a platform to see the world in other methods or my way.




活動聯絡電話: 02-2561-1548    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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