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富杭臺 - 金石個展 Fu Hang Tai - Jin Shi solo exhibition

主辦人/單位: 谷公館畫廊 Michael Ku Gallery
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-09-06    結束展演日期: 2014-10-19

活動地點: 谷公館 Michael Ku Gallery
活動地址: 台北市敦化南路一段21號4樓之2



富杭臺 Fu Hang Tai
金石 Jin Shi

展覽日期:2014年9月6日(六) 至10月19日(日)
Exhibition Dates:6 September - 19 October, 2014
開幕日期:2014年9月6日(六)  下午三時至六時
Opening Reception:Saturday, 6 September 2014, 3- 6 pm



Michael Ku Gallery is pleased to announce Fu Hang Tai, Jin Shi’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan. The show is composed of five sets of works made by the artist between 2013 and 2014, including Fu Hang Tai, Cherry Blossom Backyard, Backstreet II, Untitled and Is it true, or not? II. Most of the materials (including the utilization of materials and the artistic concepts) chosen for the five sets are drawn from abandoned found objects in our daily life which seem to have the least value, in an attempt to better approach and reflect the reality of our real life today. On the one hand, it is about observation and criticism over the society today. On the other hand, it implies the vitality in the objects themselves or providing a space of imagination regarding the environment we live in. Time is part of the concern of Jin Shi’s artistic language. Traces of time remain at the origins of many of his works, whether the raw materials are still being used or abandoned. However, such traces of time are not about seeking some nostalgic mood. Rather, they are the constituents which run naturally through the past and the present to form what we see today. The progress of time can reflect the states of people and their social contexts. The thread of the show does not start from a single clear axis but, based on an attitude that is closer to nature and reality, tends to juxtapose the five sets of works, just like the coexistence of diverse aspects of people and society.



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