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「荒原三首」“Desolation Trio” 廖曉葳短片創作展【鋁廳場】

a LIAO HSIAO WEI short film solo exhibition
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主辦人/單位: 廖曉葳
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-09-16    結束展演日期: 2014-10-05
週間平日 - 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
週末假日 - 10:00 11:00



活動地點: 空軍總部舊址園區 聯合講堂‧鋁廳
活動地址: 台北市仁愛路三段55號(由建國南路濟南路側門口入)


劍秋在收善款的途中,發現收據無端消失;阿玉在接到神秘的推銷電話後,開始瞞著婆婆向地下投注站簽注;阿嬤正在透天厝裡吃力地拾級而上,要將一份秘密藏起……。由三篇故事所構成的分段式電影,描寫都市與鄉村、家庭與個人、宗教與政治、農業與工業社會等兩者間之過渡下,所逐漸形成於現代人心靈中的「荒原」。 故事蒐集自作者的家族與家鄉,這些看似瑣碎、毫不起眼的生活片段,深刻反映農業社會過渡自工業社會中,家庭空間變遷的殘酷,而傳統家庭制度又如何弱化女性的自我意識,被弱化的意識對政治環境的無力改變最終冷漠相待,在信仰精神簡化成對宗教的皈依下,自然環境與人的因果關係如何被忽略……。 作者以三位女性長輩作為敘事主角,用事件劇情串聯三者的生命狀態,希望以日常的切片作為電影主軸來深刻當代的普遍性及永久性,輔以紀錄形式來構築,試圖開啓在主權系統外的女性身體及其空間關係的探索。 Chien-chiou is on her way to collect the beneficent contribution, however the receipt of the contribution disappeared without any reason provided. A-Yui was hiding that she joined the gambles from her mother-in-law after she received the secret phone. Granny was going upstairs hard at theirs four story townhouse to hind something away. A collective movie consists of three stories that depicts the conflicts between the city and the country, the family and an individual, the religion and the politics, agriculture and industry, what made modern's spiritual wasteland. The story collects from the hometown of director. Those seems insignificant and trivial life parts portray the cruel transition of family spaces from agricultural society to the industry. The weakening feminine self-consciousness under a traditional family system how to be indifferent and detached in the political environment. The role's religion seems to be simplified as inflexible rules. They promote killings cause sins, actually they don't care about what the environment and politics happens. The director takes three female elders as the main roles and connects theirs lives condition to emphasize the significance of daily life. This is the record of an exploration of the connection between the female body and space.


活動聯絡電話: +886 963 083961    活動聯絡人: 廖曉葳

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