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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓
活動類別: 展覽 , 音樂

首次展演日期: 2014-10-16    結束展演日期: 2014-11-01

關於展演: 展覽期間:2014/10/16-11/01 開幕茶會:2014/10/19 (日) 19:30-21:30 展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 B1|台中市五權路 594 號 開放時間:週三-週日13:00-21:00 展覽簡介 在不同體制中,是抗爭或順從? 與夢想不符但安適的地方,該選擇安逸或冒險? 人類總在當中猶豫、掙扎與矛盾,卻又難以擺脫追逐夢想的渴望, 到底是被命運還是只是被自身恐懼捉弄? 認識真實的自己,成為更好的樣子,便是此作品對觀眾最大的心意。 以抽象畫作為出發,用顏色敘述心靈的繽紛圖像,試圖講述自己並與人溝通。 用文字使人心得到更精緻的照顧,也讓群眾更加認識戲劇之美。 “Run away! Dummy” Ting Ting Hsu Solo Exhibition Period:2014/10/16-11/01 Opening Reception:2014/10/19 (Sun.) 19:30-21:30 Venue:Freedom Men Art Apartments B1 Open Hours:Wed.-Sun. 13:00-21:00 Should the subject resist or obey the rule in a contrary operating system? Should the subject challenge or continually stay in the comfortable zone, which is away from the scheduled route? Most of us are hesitating, struggling or stultifying ourselves in unstable decision-making between dream and reality. Are all of these decided by the fate or just by the fear evolving naturally in our mind? This artwork creates a chance to let the audiences learn more about themselves. Starting from the abstraction basic, characters and color narrating in addition, the artwork make attempt to interact with audiences and present the beauty of drama.


活動聯絡電話: 0987444957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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