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<失準的再現 - 黃士綸個展 / Out of focus Reproduction – Huang Shi Lun solo exhibition>

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主辦人/單位: 黃士綸
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2014-10-03    結束展演日期: 2014-09-30
展覽時間:2014.10.03 – 2014.10.30,開幕時間: 10.05 15:00pm

活動地點: 金變堂藝術空間
活動地址: 新竹市千甲路54號


生命經驗中總有那麼一兩個屬於自我的創傷存在,好比成年禮般的儀式,七歲時觀看了「龍捲風」這部在我的觀看視聽經驗中留下了無法抹除的記號。主角們與風力互相拉扯的狀態下進入龍捲風的中心,在裡面似乎感覺回到母胎中的安詳。 強大的影像對比勾起生命經驗中的一個重大事件,創傷在潛意識中往往會被覆蓋,但烙印在身體上的灼傷卻是跟著身體的每一吋細胞。在創作的過程中似乎也不斷告知我自己:「人生不就是在不斷的放下中再找尋自己」。

In our lives, there are some unforgettable agonies curved deep into our hearts. When I was a seven-year-old boy, I watched the movie “Twister”. Impressed by the special effect and soundtrack, I couldn’t forget every detail from the film. My favorite scene was at the end, both of the characters tied themselves with the pipe in order not to be killed by the tornado. In the center of the tornado, the sky was so clear and flawless. It seemed to be so peaceful with serenity. Usually, people try to forget the pain so as to move on. However, the wounds imprinted onto the cells burn in every second. When painting every works, I told myself “life is continuously giving in then searching oneself!”

活動聯絡電話: 03-5953481、0917590536    活動聯絡人: 黃士綸

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