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《內心的未知領域》Alina Vergnano個展 Unknown Land – A solo exhibition by Alina Vergnano

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主辦人/單位: 自由人藝術公寓

首次展演日期: 2015-07-25    結束展演日期: 2015-08-09
(三)~(日) 13:00~21:00

活動地點: 自由人藝術公寓
活動地址: 台中市北區五權路594號



開放時間:週三(WED.)-週日(SUN.) 13:00~21:00


展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments(台中市五權594號)



本展覽「內心的未知領域」係指在我們內心尚未被開發的區塊,一個私密的心田,裡頭的光明面與黑暗面就像這世界的白天和黑夜。Alina Vergnano個展主要理念是人們的心靈之旅,面對自己內心最深處的想法、感受及恐懼並挖掘出那個在內心最深,尚未被發現的自己。



藝術家簡述 |

1989年生於義大利杜林(Torino),2012年畢業於歐洲設計學院(European Institue of Design in Turlin),並於英國聖馬丁藝術與設計學院進修版畫藝術。曾受邀至義大利、法國、丹麥、瑞典、印度等國參與展覽,擅長平面設計、動畫、陶藝與聲音創作,並在特定地點發展現地塗鴉創作。透過簡單的線條描繪,Vergano找到可以表達自身對於世界的情感、思想等複雜的關係。作品主要以描繪女性的眼睛為主,因女性就一般而言是多愁善感的,以探究人最深沈的情感。除了主要在視覺創作外,也積極尋找各種不同類型的媒材來進行創作。



Unknown Land is the unexplored territory who lies inside ourselves, an inner land, where the alternation of light and dark is almost the same as the day and the night on this Earth. Alina Vergnano solo exhibition is thought as a journey through our deepest thoughts, inner feelings and fears, exploring the concept of belonging to a place we are often yet to discover.

With an elegant yet strong line, an immediate approach, the artist depict this world into minimalistic yet full of meanings works, with words, delicate figures and profiles appearing on blank pages and taking the shape of beautiful white ceramics. An exhibition somewhere in the middle between poetry and drawing, a journal and a map where the artist tries to find her own path and invite us to follow, to walk through, or just let ourselves float, in our very own and silent Unknow Land.


Artist Introduction|

Alina Vergnano was born in Torino, Italy, in 1989.

In 2012 she graduated in Illustration and 2D animation at the European Institute of Design in Turin. Now she is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, where she works as multidisciplinary artist.

Always searching for new medias and surfaces, Alina works with murals, drawing, painting, ceramic, art-books, animation and sound.

From 2012 she has exhibited in galleries and venues both in Europe and abroad, and she has been invited to paint murals in Italy, France, Germany, India and Taiwan. Her work has been featured in different international magazines and publications.

活動聯絡電話: 0987-444-957    活動聯絡人: 曾小姐

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