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主辦人/單位: Telling Arts 疊藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2015-10-22    結束展演日期: 2015-11-15


10/24 Sat 15:00 
藝風巷 台北市承德路三段90巷2號(民權西路站) 
12:30-20:30 週二公休

10/31 Sat 19:00 
私藝術 台北市明德路71號 (明德站)
週三四五 14:30-21:30 週六日 10:30-18:30 週一二公休

PREQUEL: Exhibition Opening & Artist Talk 10/24 (Sat) 15:00 
Art Alley Cafe
No.2, Lane 90, Sec. 3, Chengde Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City (MRT Minquan W. Rd. Station)
Hours: 12:30-20:30 (Closed on Tuesdays)

SEQUEL: Exhibition Opening 10/31(Sat) 19:00
Mon Espace D’art
No.71, Mingde Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (MRT Mingde Station)
Hours: Wed-Fri: 14:30-21:30 / Sat & Sun 10:30-18:30 (Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

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「我的創作主要借用BL主題,發洩自身對於身體經驗感受到的拘束與不滿,並將烏托邦式愛情關係的嚮往寄望於虛幻美少年間唯美的情感。在此宣洩多種慾望的過程中,產生了一種距離觀看的美感。」 —— 黃向藝

「綺麗風景——關於窺看的美感」從一個腐女的獨特視角,窺看美少年之間的愛情,凝視思考當今女性的社會性別和自我意識。黃向藝選用「BL」題材,透過傳統水墨工筆含蓄內斂之特質,勾勒唯美的形象,保有一段距離、一種空間; 亦由速寫筆觸連結自身的慾望、身體經驗和當下的真實情感,詮釋虛幻的妄想,呈現現實中更具體的日常樣貌。 


“BL is the content and medium through which I express the sense of restrictions and the lack of satisfaction with my own body experiences. The aestheticised love between the characters is the projection of my Utopian love ideals, and by expressing and freeing different desires, one captures an emerging beauty when viewing at a distance” -- WONG XIANG-YI

"The Glamorous Insight" displays the unique perspective of a female Yaoi fan that reflects on women’s gender roles and self-awareness as she pries into the love life of beautiful male characters. Taking BL (Boys' Love) as her subject of work, WONG XIANG-YI explores the theme with her sophisticated fine-brushwork paintings and depicts neat figures with a sense of distance. The desire expressed through the sketches, the body experiences, and emotions felt at the moment of creation intertwine, revealing the fantasies as well as the realistic aspects of daily life. 

Her first solo exhibition of WONG XIANG-YI in Taiwan, specially designed with a dual opening, is simultaneously exhibiting at Art Alley Cafe and Mon Espace D’art. The “Prequel” features artworks with strong colours and a melancholy atmosphere. These characters situated at the poolside, in bedrooms and bathrooms appear to be absent-minded, wandering on the edges of consciousness. The “Sequel” illustrates the ambiguous relationship between characters by setting emphasis on real-life objects, fulfilling the desire and intention of female spectators, and ultimately revealing the process of gender crossing.

活動聯絡電話: 0937971794    活動聯絡人: Teling Lin

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