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「藍色的聲音─李明學個展」 The Voice of Blue—James Ming-Hsueh Lee’s solo exhibition


主辦人/單位: 絕對空間 Absolute Space for the Arts
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2016-11-05    結束展演日期: 2016-12-11
展期|2016 / 11 / 05-2016 / 12 / 11
開幕茶會+藝術家導覽|2016 /11 / 05 15:00

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號




展期|2016 / 11 / 05-2016 / 12 / 11

開幕茶會+藝術家導覽|2016 /11 / 05  15:00




以「藍色的聲音」為展覽主軸,將不具形體的聲音冠以視覺化的藍色來給予形容, 其目的在於提供不可見事物,一種暫時性的文字介入可能,關於記憶、經驗與想像在此得以凝聚方向,對這不確切的不可見,在藍色的暗示中開始滲透於意義的產生中。展覽做為一種產生連結,並跳脫過往認知的狀態與產生逃逸路線 (lines of flight) 的嘗試,本次展出作品以「藍色」作為閱讀社會結構的方式,試圖回應人們對現實社會的某些虛無與無力感,在面對於物件意義與價值時,提出一種介於現實與逃逸狀態的交錯脈絡觀察,再次思考現實中,被視為理所當然的事物,提供不同理解生命經驗的方式,進而衍生出差異的美學詮釋。







The Voice of Blue—James Ming-Hsueh Lee’s solo exhibition


Exhibition Duration|2016/11/05-2016/12/11

Opening Reception +  Artist Guide|2016/11/05 15:00



The exhibition is inspired by the color blue for its imagination, discussing the transformation of memories related to blue and the status of being entranced in our senses and exploring complicated and intertwined context in man’s cognitive consciousness. By means of artistic technique, as well as a kind of individual sense of humor in conventional system of meanings, works are in search of the possible production of deviated meanings by rereading and dismantling established meanings in objects from our living surroundings.


Regarding “the voice of blue” as the main scheme of exhibition, it uses visualized blue to illustrate the disembodied voice. The purpose is to offer invisible objects the possibility of temporary intervention of words, so that memories, experiences and imagination can draw together the direction, for the uncertain invisibility, to penetrate into the production of meanings within the implication of blue. Not only applied as a creation for production, the exhibition also avoids the past status of cognition and the attempt of yielding lines of flight. The works shown this time consider “blue” the way to read social structure, endeavoring to respond to nihility and powerlessness that people are encountering in reality as well as when they are facing meanings and values of objects. In this sense, the works offer an observation between the intertwined context of reality and lines of flight, thinking again the things that are taken for granted in reality. In other words, the exhibition presents the different ways to understand living experiences, and so as to produce the aesthetic interpretation of difference.


Host|Absolute Space for the Arts


National Culture and Arts Foundation

Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government

Absolute Space For The Arts
No.11, Ln.205, Sec.1, Minsheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 

Open hours|
12:00-20:00 Wed.-Fri. 
14:00-20:00 Sat.-Sun.





絕對空間官方網站: http://absoluteart.space





活動聯絡電話: 06-2233508    活動聯絡人: 陳佳欣

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