首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 【心晴美術館】「追夢俠」楊興生特展 開 幕 閑 談 | 2017 5 / 27 ( 六 ) 14 : 30
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【心晴美術館】「追夢俠」楊興生特展 開 幕 閑 談 | 2017 5 / 27 ( 六 ) 14 : 30

心晴美術館將於5/20 - 7/16展出【 追夢俠 | 楊興生特展 】。開幕活動訂於5/27(六)14:30,將邀請楊興生的好友李錫奇、劉煥獻、顧重光,一同於心晴美術館進行一場輕鬆愉悅的感懷閑談!

主辦人/單位: 心晴美術館
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2017-05-20    結束展演日期: 2017-07-16
開放時間 :
週二〜週日 10:30 ~〜19:00





開 幕 閑 談 | 2017 5 / 27 ( 六 ) 14 : 30

主 持 人 | 廖仁義 

與 談 人 | 李錫奇 / 劉煥獻 / 顧重光      








Yang Hsing-Sheng was born in Jiangxi, China, 1938. After graduating from the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University, Yang enrolled in the graduate art studies at Missouri State Normal University and New Mexico New Highland University in the US. During his time in the US, Yang opened two art galleries in Los Angeles and introduced the system of management and art brokers to Taiwan. In the 70s, Yang successively opened seven galleries and earned the name of “the elder of art galleries” throughout the Taiwan art world. However, behind the boldness of opening business was Yang Hsing-Sheng’s dream of becoming a full-time artist.

The works of Yang Hsing-Sheng span across figurative, semi-abstract, and abstract. The diverse painting styles progressed with time, each with its own characteristics. Born in a time of political turmoil between Taiwan and China, his arduous journey to Taiwan made him fall deeply in love with the land. Yang Hsing-Sheng traveled deep into the countryside, mountains, and seashores, creating figurative works in all corners of Taiwan. Yang once stated: “I am battling with time to capture the beauty of Taiwan before it fades, documenting the land with my painting for later generations.” Using thick pigments and layering methods, Yang presents lively images of touching natural rural sceneries under the changes of light and shadow, preserving the charm of the land realistically and romantically at the same time, while also hoping to awaken the consciousness of environmental protection among the people of the land. Yang’s abstract works are also filled with sentiment and rhythm. The artist once said: “I never know how my works will look when I finish, nor can I reproduce the same work.” For Yang, abstract painting is a way of satisfying the urge of expressing creativity which also represents the inner hunger and saturation of emotions. The vibrant colors, unrestrained at times and timid in others, are combined with techniques that involve spraying the pigment powder onto the canvas, creating astonishing momentum; the structure of the painting is rich in rhythm, while the texture is enhanced with multiples layers.

Yang Hsing-Sheng traveled to the US to learn the art development of the West and returned to his beloved homeland to continue to create artworks. Overall, Yang only paints objects that touch him deeply and are closely connected with his everyday life; in this sense, Yang is truly a carefree artist who creates for his own satisfaction. This exhibition is a curation of Yang Hsing-Sheng’s classic figurative and abstract paintings; the heart-warming rural sceneries, colors, and structures of the paintings embody the best of abstract paintings, perfectly displaying a charming chapter of Taiwan art history through the career of Yang Hsing-Sheng. 

活動聯絡電話: 02-27092710    活動聯絡人: 曾于珊

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