首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 「藍心之物—李婷婷台灣首個展」
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主辦人/單位: 大觀藝術空間
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2018-08-25    結束展演日期: 2018-09-23
8/25 (六) ~ 9/23 (日),10:30-18:30,周一公休。


















展期|2018.8.25- 9.23

貴賓預展|8.24 (五)

開幕座談會|8.25 (六) 15:00-16:00

與談人|藝術家李婷婷、國立台北教育大學藝設系 林志明教授、大觀藝術空間郭玲蘭總監

藝術家導覽|8.25 (六) 16:00




A Vista in Blue” – Li Tingting Solo Exhibition


Daguan Gallery is proud to present the still-life and landscape paintings by artist Li Tingting. Li is a mater in ink painting techniques, through this traditional medium she brings us unconventional elements, which make the works seem familiar yet foreign to the audience, hence inspiring the viewers to apply their imaginations.


The traditional looking still-lifes such as bananas, pineapples, pomegranates, flowers and sofas that Li paints, are interpreted in a new way instead of being just another still-life painting. Unlike the regular world, men do not look from the heart to the outside, nor do they observe from top to bottom, on the contrary one faces the works directly, and the objects seem to be within reach.


Li Tingting has been working on landscapes and in recent years, some works are produced as installations which bring the audience closer to the works. Li extends her ready-made paintings and combines the new element of touch into the works, in the manner of ladies’ cosmetic box that can be treasured.


From objects to landscapes, although Li Tingting has indicated the traditional origin of rice paper, ink and the boneless technique, yet the works express a sense of strangeness to the viewers. The ordinary everyday objects are enlarged to become the subjects of art works, in a context that is foreign to most people.


The works in “A Vista in Blue” speak to the viewers via subject matter, technique, medium, scale, colour and form, waking one’s awareness how everyday objects may be taken as the subjects of art works, creating new possibilities for art. Daguan Gallery sincerely invites you to explore Li Tingting’s art world.



A Vista in Blue


Exhibition Duration | 2018.08.25 – 09.23

VIP Preview | 8.24

Opening Reception and Talk | 2018.08.25 15.00-16.00


Participating Speakers |

Artist – Ms Li Tingting

Professor from the Department of Arts and Design in National Taipei University of Education – Professor Lin Chi-Ming

Director of Daguan Gallery – Ms Vanessa Kuo


Guided Tour with the Artist |2018.8.25 16.00




大觀藝術空間DaGuan Gallery

開放時間|週二至週日(週一公休) 10.30-18.30




DaGuan Gallery 
Opening Hours | 10:30-18:30 Tue.–Sun. (Closed on Mon.) 
Address | No. 16, Lane 69, JingYeh 2nd Rd., Taipei Taiwan 
Telephone | 02 8501 5677 
MRT | Jiannan Road Station exit 2 (Ming Shui Road), go straight on JingYeh 2nd Road then turn right at Lane 69



活動聯絡電話: 02-85015677    活動聯絡人: 李小姐

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