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壞結構 NON-Construction


主辦人/單位: 良日激動所
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2019-09-07    結束展演日期: 2019-09-29
週一~週日2-7pm (週三公休)







本展邀請到林晏竹(Lin Yen-Ju)及吳芊頤(Wu Chien-Yi)兩位藝術家共同合作,運用物質與科技,透過藝術的轉化,試著在一個無法被定義的步登公寓的空間結構中,從一個單數的空間中去構築複數的思考場域,在單數複數、複數單數中創造出內在於空間的不同視角,並透過一種虛擬的「在」映射出一種實存的「在」,而此實存的「在」並非再現一種曾經存在的歷史與空間結構,而是共構出一種透過自身感知穿越世界的一種存在。


《壞結構》的概念由建築結構開始,最終探討的是自身與存在的關係結構,壞既非消亡,更非積極建設,「壞」作為一種轉化與被給予,在既有的結構中壞生出關係結構,是「壞生結構」,也是「壞的結構」,意欲構築出內存於空間的複數關係結構作為思考的場域,面對思考,如同讓-弗朗索瓦·李歐塔 (Jean-François Lyotard)所言:「我們並不給它立什麼規則,而是教它去迎接。我們並不是為了建設什麼而清理出更空曠的場地,而是排出一個空地,快要被給予的、半明半暗的事物可以進入空地而且這個空地將改變事物的輪廓。」



After drastic evolution of time, capital, and technology, men’s perceptive experience with buildings has become an integrated and collaged form through construction, decoration, dissipation, and re-expansion. The discussion of the relationship between men and spatial structures has evolved from national construction, economic development, livelihood, to grafting men’s ideology into a kind of discussion on the levels of history and emotions; then, what other ways do we have to increase the possibilities of the discussion?


This exhibition begins its probe with the historical context of “walkup apartment buildings” that were built extensively in the Taipei Basin after the 1950s, breaking away from the inevitability of historical development of architectural structures, and attempts to explore the current relational structure between men, the world, and existence, through reconstruction of history. The exhibition abandons the human-centric interpretation of the world, and replaces it with multi-structured self-becoming and operation that exist outside of the subjectivity of men and within space, reflecting relational structure of singularities.


Two artists, Lin Yen-ju and Wu Chien-yi, are invited to cooperate in the exhibition; utilizing material and technological concepts and converting through art, they attempt to construct plural rational structures in an undefinable spatial structure of walkup apartment building within a singular space, creating different perspectives within space between singularity and plurality, and plurality and singularity. Also, they reflect an actual “existence” through a virtual “existence,” and this actual “existence” is not the representation of historical and spatial structures that have once existed, but the co-construction of a kind of existence that transcends the world through own perceptions.


This exhibition is conceptualized from architectural structure, but ultimately explores the relational structure between self and existence; broken is not perishing, nor active construction; “broken,” as a kind of conversion and given, gives birth to relational structure within existing structure, which is “structure by broken,” as well as “structure of broken,” and the intention is to construct plural relational structures that exist within space as places of thinking. Facing thinking, just as Jean-Francois Lyotard said, “You don’t give it rules. You teach it to receive. You don’t clear the ground to build unobstructed: you make a little clearing where the penumbra of an almost-given will be able to enter and modify its contour.”


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