首頁 / 藝術雷達 / 藝術動態 / 「方域之外」國際交流展
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主辦人/單位: 台灣視覺藝術協會

首次展演日期: 2020-10-17    結束展演日期: 2020-11-14
週二-週六 11:00-19:00

活動地點: FreeS 福利社
活動地址: 台北市新生北路三段82號B1


展名 Exhibition|方域之外 Beyond Territory – 台印交流展

展期 Dates2020. 10. 17 - 11. 14

開幕茶會 Opening Reception|2020. 10. 17 (六) 15:00

地點 Venue|福利社 FreeS Arts Space ( 台北市中山區新生北路三段82號B1 ) / 週二-週六 11:00-19:00










 Curator | TSAI Ping-Ju

Artists | Rajnish Chhanesh, Tapas Roy, Tenzing Rigdol, TSAI Yung-Ching, LI Kuei-Pi, YU Chih-Wei + LAI Pei-Chung

Boundary defines the reach of the national power of a modern sovereign state. Within its boundary, the state uses techniques of governance to separate the so-called good citizens from those considered bad, and banish the dissenting voices to ensure its stability and continuance. As for the banished, they have become expatriates whose exile best embodies the life politics of the contemporary world.


Amidst the refugee waves in Europe, this group of border-crossing expatriates might have lost their civic rights, but they have also found other ways to destabilize the relations between countries. From Brexit to Donald Trump being elected as the US president, people have started to re-examine whom they have shared their power with, and tried to retrieve a sense of identity founded on kinship and region in the past.


The exhibition title, Beyond Territory, refers to a measuring method, enabled by imagination and collision, to survey the boundary that is constantly changing due to political and economic coopetition. Territory refers to “an area of land under the jurisdiction of a state”; and in the early 20th century, the Chinese government had the Department of Territory that dealt with national boundary and territory conflicts. To continue imperialist expansion and the influence of colonial power, the Tibet-British India border drawn by British explorer Henry McMahon has caused conflicts until the present day. What exactly maps out the range of a place? What separates us from all the others outside the boundary?


活動聯絡電話: 02-25857600    活動聯絡人: 范宇晴

分類: 福利社
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