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夜色Night Colors 李婷歡個展

活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-07-03    結束展演日期: 2021-08-08

活動地點: 海馬迴光畫館
活動地址: 台南市中西區成功路83號2F

  • 1. 本檔展覽以「夜色」為題,為創作者自 2016 年始,以「顏色」為前提進行創作的第三階段,此次將情感寄寓在材質與場景之上,創造出色彩彷彿不斷流動、視覺既明又暗的形象;展覽內容從觀看經驗出發,將觀者的視線化做橋樑,銜接起觀看行為可能觸及的現在、過去、及未來:藉由影像裝置的手法,讓視線望著未來可能方向的同時,彷彿也回望過去,呈現面對生命中消逝或遺留的場景與事件,自我如何轉化並與之共存的歷程。

    2. ⋯⋯不知從何時開始,醒著的時候會許願能夠夢見誰,手機裡累積起僅供懷念使用的照片⋯某日在河岸堤防看見整片焚燒野草的痕跡,你想起那房間般大小的焚化爐裡,紙屑片片飛昇像是撲火的蝴蝶;在許多冗長又無法逃避的場合,你不斷地瞪著眼前,嘗試透過觀看來填滿特定時刻,未曾想到思緒竟獲可供日後一再讀取的珍貴畫面;當色彩逐漸成為概念,生活裡無數與之相伴的體悟便吸附在一起,那些事物於你是再也無法切割。

    1. Themed on “Night Colors”, this exhibition is the third stage of the artist’s creation of “colors” since 2016. Having her feelings put on the medium and scene, the artist succeeded in creating flowing colors that are bright and dark. Also, departed from the audience’s viewing experience, the artist has transform the audience’s views into a bridge to connect the past, present and future. By showing the scenes and events of how we face the fadeaway or remains, the artist also present the course of transformation and co-existence.

    2. …Since when you start wishing to dream of someone when you are awake. And since when your cell phone is full of photos that can be used to think of the past… Seeing the burned grass all over the riverbank, you think about the scraps of paper that fly like butterflies in the room-size incinerator. In tediously long and unavoidable occasions, you keep glaring at things in front of your eyes without knowing that they will become precious memories for you to look back through one day. When colors are gradually conceptualized, insights revealed during the journey of life will adhere therewith and eventually become things that are closely connected with you.
    Time is a wall. By leaving marks behind, it tells that you cannot go back there from here. Out of the frame of time, there are only bunches of disconnected images left behind. Nevertheless, we can still see difference in stillness and eternity in changes. Through the practice of viewing, we traverse time to retrieve people and things that we are longing for and to reach the places that we could not reach.


    2021.8.07 15:00
    藝術家座談 與談人: 陳松志
    Artist Talk: Chen Sung-Chih




等著變黑的肖像:李婷歡⟪夜色⟫ --- 蔡佩桂

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