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I Saw the Cloud by Hsiu-Ju Cheng

主辦人/單位: 絕對空間 Absolute Space for the Arts

首次展演日期: 2021-10-13    結束展演日期: 2021-11-21

活動地點: 絕對空間 Absolute Space
活動地址: 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號

I Saw the Cloud by Hsiu-Ju Cheng
展覽日期 Date|2021/10/13 (Wed.) -11/21 (Sun.)
開幕茶會 Opening|10/16 (Sat.) 15:00
座談時間 Forum|10/16 (Sat.) 15:30
與談人 Guest|楊佳璇 Chia-Hsuan Yang
地點 Venue|絕對空間一樓 The first floor of Absolute Space for the Arts
展覽論述 Statement|
特別喜歡「坐看雲起時」以靜觀動、悠然自得、沉靜的態度體悟生命的困境與重量,清虛、隱微(subtle)且玄秘。有感我們的生命課題不斷朝向工具性發展,所謂的「生命感」(a sense of life)彷彿被掏空、遺忘了,工具理性反向侵蝕樸質的生命感受。本展覽乘著王維的詩句,將「坐看雲起時」拆成「坐,看,雲,起,時」五個字作為名稱,這五個字分別落在我近年關注的創作命題—以日常邊緣與熟悉之外,「緩」的態度以及側面思考,試圖鬆開生活裡形影不離的限制性與固定性。從日常微物的專注、凝視中,緩慢的速度讓這些相望多出了餘地,滑出
The title of this exhibition, “I Saw the Cloud,” originates from the Tang dynasty poet Wang Wei’s work, “Mount Zhongnan Retreat:”
At middle age I seeked the way,
As I age, at the foot of Mount Zhongnan my abode lays.
I wander alone for my heart’s content
Amid wonders for myself to hold.
There I stroll to the end of the brook
To sit and watch the clouds ascend.
An old man chances to pass the woods,
In chat and laughter lies no return.
I especially like the line “To sit and watch the clouds ascend.” The way the poem beholds the movements in stillness, the carefree contentment, and the calmness towards the weight and hardships of life, along with the aloofness, subtlety, and mysticism within the poem all fascinate me. Nowadays, everything seems to be instrumentalized. The sense of life seems to be hollowed out and forgotten. The instrumental rationality is depleting our natural sense of life. The title of this exhibition “I Saw the Cloud” borrowed the line “To sit and watch the clouds ascend” from Wang Wei’s poem. The theme “I Saw the Cloud” has been the recent focus of my works. Alongside the daily and familiar facts, I took an “unhurried” attitude that perceives the world from the sideline, intending to loosen the limitations and immobility in life. At an unhurried pace, there’s room to look, to gaze, and to focus on the small things in life. With an unhurried pace, we are allowed to slip away from the way things have to be and those seemingly natural daily routines, and remind ourselves to take note of our surroundings.
When we look at an image, a combination of continuous frames creates the illusion of time flow. Our vision turns towards the virtual, leaving time behind. Before the image that is so close to behold, and yet impossible to hold, how can we feel “present” with a physical absence? When malfunction or bad reception impact our internet connection and social media experience, the media immersion is interrupted with a gap cutting the signals from reaching our end. With the sudden pause, the mind that was present in the virtual world is forced to return to the external reality.
The present and the absent share the same contours. For me, blank-leaving is more than leaving blank spaces, but an interpretation of what is “to be” with a spatial awareness. The past partakes in the present in a form of absence. Time, space, and physical matters are both the media and the subjects that interpenetrate to form a future that extends the existing space into the dimension of time.
【關於鄭秀如|About Hsiu-Ju Cheng】
1976 出生於高雄
2018至今 國立臺南藝術大學應用藝術研究所 兼任助理教授
2021 「坐,看,雲,起,時」,絕對空間,臺南,臺灣
2017 「藉物景/境」,絕對空間,臺南,臺灣
2016 「時間的捉形」,鹽埕黑白切,高雄,臺灣
2015 「去在留中,留在去裡」,齁空間,臺南,臺灣
2020 「掃描1.0 質性藝術」,高雄市文化中心至真堂三館,高雄,臺灣
2018 「亞洲聯盟超越設計ANBD」,五大洲博物館,慕尼黑,德國
2017 「第五屆高雄藝術博覽會」,城市商旅,高雄,臺灣
2017 「2017臺南新藝獎」,絕對空間,臺南,臺灣
2016 「回潮」,HOUSE ART 當代藝術,中壢,臺灣
2015 「學院時代」,國立臺灣藝術大學「九單藝術實踐空間」,板橋,臺灣
1976 Born in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2018- Adjunct Assisting Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
2021 "I Saw the Cloud", Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 "Transfiguration of Things", Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2016 "Drawing of Time", @blackblank215, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 "There is a going in my staying and there is a staying in my going", Howl Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 "SCANNING 1.0 Qualititative Art", Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018 "Asia Network beyond Design", Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich, Germany
2017 "ART KAOHSIUNG", City Suites, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 "NEXT ART TAINAN", Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2015 "In the Time of the Academy", NTUA 9 Singles Arts Practice Space, Banqiao, Taiwan


   活動聯絡人: 顏小姐

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