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港口城市人:台灣與阿根廷藝術交流計畫 Residents of the Port City: An Art Exchange Program between Taiwan and Argentina

主辦人/單位: 水谷藝術
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2021-10-09    結束展演日期: 2021-11-07

活動地點:水谷藝術Waley Art




展期|10/9(六)— 11/7(日)12:00-19:30
VideoBardo拉丁美洲錄像展區|Javier Robledo(阿根廷)、Marisol Bellusci(阿根廷)、Carlos Cruz & Estefanía Diaz(墨西哥)、Josefina Tai(阿根廷)、Luciana Rizzo(阿根廷)
VideoBardo播映單元|Ebba Jahn(德國)、Eta Dahlia(俄羅斯/英國)、Methas Chantawongs(泰國)、Susanne Wiegner(德國)、Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes(德國/義大利)
地點|阿根廷聖馬丁文化中心Centro Cultural San Martín及線上
VideoBardo策展人|Marisol Bellusci、Javier Robledo
Argentina, the second largest country in South America, is ethnically diverse. After the 15th century as a consequence of the overseas expansion of the Spanish crown, a long process of conquest and colonization was established in Latin America that also made use of the slave trade from Africa, in turn seeking to catechize the indigenous peoples by generating different crossbreeds and transculturations.
From the port, the migrations did not stop. Europeans, Asians and Africans have
successively migrated between continents. Italians, Spanish, French, Germans and after 1980 the Chinese established themselves as the fourth largest ethnic group of immigrants in Argentina.
The offshore area of Argentina, which is close to the Falkland Islands, is the largest fishing ground of Argentine shortfin squid in the South Atlantic Ocean. That Argentines don’t eat squid makes people who make living on squids come here from miles away to start their 7 months of squid catching lives. In 1980s, there was a wave of squid catching immigrants from Taiwan. Even they were required to stay at sea for a whole month every squid season, those Taiwanese were not scared away. Neither were they frighten off by intensive, heavy fishing and processing work, nor the huge amount of investment.
Those Taiwanese have become and are living as “residents of the port city” in Argentina. Nowadays, more and more Ethnic Chinese immigrants are moving inland. They are no longer newcomers. They try to fit in local life style, speak Spanish, and also raise their next generations. Unlike the immigration experience in the United States, Ethnic Chinese immigrants didn’t move to Argentina in large number, and only recently they have gradually formed their own community. Most of the ethnic Chinese immigrants in the early days engaged in business activities related to daily life, such as restaurants or small grocery stores.
Wan Hua, also known by its old name of Galaya, is the place where Waley Art located, and was the earliest land for Han Chinese to reclaim in Taipei. In the 48th year of KangXi, Qing Dynasty (1709 A.D.), the "Chen Lai Chang ", which was applied for by Chen, Tien Chang as the landlord, led people to cultivate the land with no owner. After the reclamation of "Chen Lai Chang" in Taipei, the Hoklo Quanzhou immigrants from southern Fujian started to expand their boundary to the northern Taiwan.
The first developed area was Mangkah, where the Ketagalan people, the Indigenous people, carried their local products, such as sweet potatoes by Mankah (canoe) to trade with the Han people. Mankah, in Han people’s language, represents the place gathered with many indigenous canoes. Locates at the intersection of Dahan River and Xindian River, Wanhua was the place where merchants came and traded here during Qing Dynasty. The pier gradually became a large commercial port, in which there were three major docks. Although the river bank gradually silted up and Mangkah was replaced by Dadaocheng, people have developed different urban contours and cultural textures following the history of the docks.
Following the concept of this bilateral art exchange program, VideoBardo and Waley Art provide a platform for artists to carry out virtual exchange and presentation. The artists develop the topics they focus on, and accomplish different community exchanges and actions on both sides. Through this long-term exchange program, the partnership between Taiwan and Argentina is established.


活動聯絡電話: 02-23011821    活動聯絡人: 水谷藝術

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