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KRG#29 旃社音場第29回【現場電影&即時造音】Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert inTaipei

現代音樂 實驗音樂 法國實驗 電影

首次展演日期: 2013-04-05    結束展演日期: 2013-04-05

活動地點: 光點華山 多功能藝文廳
活動地址: 台北市八德路一段一號 中六電影館


Shadow Boxing
- Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert in Taipei

wolfenstein 本名謝仲其,長年自主聆聽與創作,剛從紐約 Revolutions per Minute: A Decade of Chinese Sound Art 演出回來,不輕易跨界演出的他,近年以「鬼唱詩班」的名義與詩詞朗誦互動,本場則是他首次與影像合作。VJ Ellen,人稱潘潘,影像專門科系畢業,長期與搖滾樂團、聲音藝術家和小劇場密切合作,影像以幾何圖形及靈活調變著稱,對「擴延電影」始終保持高度興趣。兩人首次同台,令人拭目以待!

Bob Ostertag 和 Pierre Hébert 的「現場電影」(Live Cinema),往往透過實物投影、現場手繪圖案、聲音取樣及調變,批判卻不失幽默地介入社會議題。Bob 在 1991 年出版的聲音作品 Sooner or Later 紀錄薩爾瓦多男孩為遭軍隊射殺的父親埋葬時的啼哭,驚駭四座。Pierre 是全職動畫家,影像以抽象主義著稱,直接於電影膠卷上刻畫線條,後期加入不少政治訴求。兩人在 2004 年共同出版現場演出紀錄 Between Science and Garbage,大獲好評。

Wolfenstein (Zhongqi Xie), after years of autonomous listening and creation, fresh back from touring at NY Revolutions per Minute: A Decade of Chinese Sound Art. Having limited interdisciplinary performance, Wolfenstein recently initiated "Ghost Choir" to interact with poetry and lyrics, this gig with VJ Ellen will be his first visual co-op. VJ Ellen a.k.a. Pan-Pan, graduated with a video diploma. She for a long time has been working with rock bands, sound artists and avant-garde theaters closely. Well known for geometric shapes and swift modifying of her image, while holding high interest in "expanded movie". This collaboration is vastly anticipated.

Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert's Live Cinema, through light sculpture, live drawing, sound sampling and tuning, critiques social issues with a touch of humor. Bob, in his 1991 published sound work Sooner or Later, stunningly recorded a El Salvadoran boy crying while burying his father who was executed by militia. Pierre is an animationist. His widely-acclaimed abstractionism image is directly drawn on the film, with much political proposal added. In 2004 the duo published Between Science and Garbage, a critically acclaimed live recording.


原價:600元 (票數有限)
早鳥:500元 (3/22截止,請來信 orderkr@gmail.com,或在本頁面、Kandala Records 群組留言

活動聯絡電話: 0953-043-737    活動聯絡人: 張又升

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