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植物記憶 'Déjà vu greens' by Cindy Cheng I-Hsin

「植物記憶」 創作個展

展期:2016/10/31(一)— 11/28(一)
開放時間:09:00 — 17:00 週二暨國定假日休館

主辦人/單位: Cindy I-Hsin Cheng
活動類別: 展覽

首次展演日期: 2016-10-31    結束展演日期: 2016-11-28
展期:2016/10/31(一)— 11/28(一)
開放時間:09:00 — 17:00 週二暨國定假日休館


地址: 106 台北市台北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號


「植物記憶」 創作個展

展期:2016/10/31(一)— 11/28(一)
開放時間:09:00 — 17:00 週二暨國定假日休館

*特別感謝:台大校史館、Bennett、鵬帆、台大攝影社 & 佈展小團們



Déjà vu greens: a solo exhibition 

Date: 2016/10/31 (Mon) — 11/28 (Mon)
Time: 09:00 — 17:00 Closed on Tue & holidays
Venue: Stack Room, Gallery of NTU History, National Taiwan University (Close to NTU main gate)

*Special thanks to: Gallery of NTU History, Bennett, Fan, NTU Photo, & my set-up team 
*Get a limited edition poster at the counter for a public Facebook/Instagram check-in of the event (1 poster per visitor).

The main subject of the 'Plants' series are based on my plants, which includes the small collection on my Tamsui balcony and the family garden in my Penang home. Together with my personal unspeakable emotional ups and downs, the mundane yet ever-changing silhouette of the natural subjects are worked onto paper through repetitive handwork with fine ball-point pens. In the form of seemingly abstract universal symbol-like images, the meticulous detail and time-consuming technique with ink reserves the energy of life for eternity. ‘Déjà vu greens’ brings the subject to the university campus with which I have shared a six year period of my life. Located in a hidden chamber of the old library, this show is dedicated to the past and present, emotional and physical realities of this place.

Cindy Cheng I-Hsin is an independent artist and illustrator currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. With ball-point pen on paper, her work centres around ‘the little things in life’ through separate project series, seizing memories of the ‘present’ and the idea of ‘being’ under the shuffling of time and space, of emotional and physical realities.



   活動聯絡人: Cindy

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