斷頭鬼之夢 — 梁廷毓個展

主辦人/單位: 關渡美術館
3/31 (五) ~ 7/2 (日)
國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館
《斷頭河計畫》(The Beheaded Stream Art Project)自2017年至今,持續通過各種形式的論述生產型態,關注「計劃型創作」(project-based art)中創作與研究實踐之間的關係。該計畫一方面以北台灣淺山地帶的原漢人群交界帶及地域社群作為連結、調查與文化實踐的場域,以影像、製圖與通靈等方式,關注不同歷史記憶及宇宙觀底下的非人之物;另一方面,則以學術場域的論述生產與研究發表機制作為田野地,以期刊、講述與研討會等形式,探索當代藝術計畫與學術領域的交匯之處,進行差異學科之間彼此如何扣連的想像與思辨。
本次展出呈現此計畫切入研究與知識生產的路徑。一方面以族群衝突歷史中因「獵首」而生的無頭鬼魅為引,使「靈」(ghosts)這一非思之物貫穿創作者的系列創/研實踐。試圖回應及反思「藝術研究」(artistic research)的在地現實知識經濟條件,在實踐上如何介入學術對於不可知的界限,並於其中偷渡關於超自然的事物,質疑論述形塑過程中的規範問題。另一方面,從知識具有遷徙及橫貫性的角度——將淺山現地、研究領域與文本空間、展演場所——在「創作觀念的知識索引」與「推進論述的實作」相互為倚的關係基礎上,導向各種知識形式與藝術實踐之間可持續性的發展。
"The Beheaded Stream Art Project" has been in progress since 2017, utilising various forms of discourse production to explore the interplay between creative and research practices in the domain of "project-based art". On the one hand, the project selects the border area and regional communities of the original Han people in the low-elevation mountainous areas of northern Taiwan as a context for connection, investigation, and cultural practice. Employing methods such as images, cartographies, and mediumship, the project centres its attention on the non-human entities beneath distinct historical memories and cosmologies. On the other hand, the project takes discourse production and research publishing mechanisms in academic fields as its fieldwork site. Through forms such as journals, lectures, and seminars, it explores the intersection of contemporary art projects and academic domains, and engages in imaginative and speculative considerations of the connections among different disciplines.
This exhibition presents the approach of a project to research and knowledge production. On the one hand, drawing on the headless ghosts that emerged from the history of ethnic conflicts resulting from the practice of "headhunting" as a reference, the project employs "ghosts,” an object that is devoid of conscious thought, permeating the artist’s series of creation and research practices. Attempting to respond to and reflect on the local economic knowledge conditions of "artistic research" in actuality, along with its interferences with the academic frontiers of the ineffable in praxis, while surreptitiously incorporating supernatural elements and questioning normative concerns within the realm of discourse formation. On the other hand, from the perspective that knowledge is migratory and cross-cutting — linking the low-elevation mountains area, the research field, the textual space, and the exhibition venue — this project grounds itself in the interdependent relationship between "knowledge indexing of creative concept" and the "practical advancement of discourse." It leads to the sustainable development of diverse forms of knowledge and artistic practice
活動聯絡電話: 無 活動聯絡人: 無
藝術為何研究,研究何以藝術—梁廷毓個展《斷頭鬼之夢》 --- 黃亞歷
藝術的還魂術 《感謝公主》、《斷頭鬼之夢》(上) --- 許仁豪
藝術的還魂術 《感謝公主》、《斷頭鬼之夢》(下) --- 許仁豪